Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Prestige

The Prestige is a movie that came out in 2006 about two famous magicians. The movie takes place in the end of the 19th century in London. The two main characters Robert and Albert are friends that have grown up loving magic and helping famous magicicans with their acts. Their lives revolve around figuring out the ultimate magic trick, and being the best.
The title of the movie comes from the process of all magic tricks. The first act of any magic trick is call the pledge, which is when the magician shows the audience the what is to come. The second act is called the turn, when everything is unexpected and gets the audience questioning. Finally, the third act is called the prestige is where the magician pulls out all the twists and turns and completely wows the audience. These two magicians become overly obsessed with the prestige as they try and figure out eachothers tricks and attempt to do them better.
During a performance Alfred accidently ties a knot too tight around the arms of Roberts wife, the young lady who attempts to escape from the ropes while sumerged undet water, and it ends in her death. Robert becomes so angry that the two friends become rivals and try to win the support of audiences everywhere. These men disguise themselves and go and sit in on the others performances trying to see what they are doing and to sabatoge their tricks. As they continue to sabatoge one anothers tricks, many of the outcomes lead to murder. One night Alfred performes the ultimate trick and Robert becomes obsessed with trying to figure out the prestige. It begins to take over his life even after he figures out a way to preform Alfreds trick even better than when he did it. Alfred will not have it and ends up sneaking back behind stage to see how Robert is performing the trick and ends up getting charged for Roberts murder. The movie is nothing what it seems. There are twists and turns throughout the entire movie that shock its viewers.
It is crazy to me how some people become obsessed with trying to be better than others at something. Both Robert and Alfred love magic and let it take over their life. These men let the competition between them get so strong that they forget about how much they love performing and getting attention from the audience. This happens to many people in the real world. Some people thrive off competing and can become so competitive that they forget how much they love something. It is crazy to me how often this problem comes up. This movie is one of my favorite movies and each time I watch it I figure out something new that helps for me to better understand. Every time I watch the prestige I can't help but think about how crazy it is that some people can become so obsessed with something they enjoy doing.

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