Sunday, February 17, 2008

Torture and the Holocaust

Torture, by definition is the infliction of sever physical pain as a means of punishment. In many places around the world torture was a way to punish people for wrong doings, and was not questioned within the many cultures that practiced torture. One of the most remarkable and most suspenseful times for many, was the Holocaust. Torture was the main use of inflicting pain towards innocent Jews. Millions of innocent Jews lost their lives while in concentration camps as a result of the Nazi murders gassing, shooting, and torturing them. Torturing of any kind is unmoral and degrading to the societies that have used or are continuing to use any form of torture.
Many Jews were separated from their loved ones and could only hope that someday they would see their families again. Once they were divided among the many different camps throughout the country, they were stripped and had their heads shaved. Many walked into what they thought would be a refreshing shower, when in reality was a gas chamber. The gas chamber was only one of the ways in which the Nazis would torture the Jews. Jews were forced to work all day doing various chores while being starved to death; which was a much slower technique of torture. The uses of torture throughout the Holocaust were disgusting and very unmoral. Using torture as a means of punishment, the Nazis created for themselves a reputation of being cruel human beings whom only wanted power and didn’t care what they had to do to get it.
Many people look at history books and read about all the ways of torture in these concentration camps, but we will never understand the pain those people felt. Chester Bennington states that "[T]he most common ways of torture used during the Holocaust were gas chambers, whips, cremating heaters, and lining Jews up in a line and shooting down the line”. Witnessing these types of torture had long lasting effects on these individuals. This torture was not just physical, but mental torture as well. Many Jews that survived the Holocaust not only dealt with loosing their families, but had to cope with the reality that they had to move forward with their lives. Most survivors suffered from post dramatic war syndrome, which was a result of being tortured throughout the harsh years in concentration camps. People despise Hitler and the Nazi people. We will never forget the awful stories that we hear from the few that survived.
It is so hard to understand why after so many years of hearing about torture and hearing about how people have suffered; some individuals still have the desire to use some of the techniques. The immortality of the concept of people using torture in today’s society is unbearable to grasp. Many people may say that torture is the only way of teaching someone the "right way". To me it seems that the people that feel they have to go out and bomb countries or kill millions of people each day have no morals. The need to hurt someone to feel powerful is wrong and no matter how the issue is argued everyone knows there is wrong in torturing individuals.
The use of torture is morally wrong. The world is a great place to live and does not need to be messed with by individuals that want to gain control. Torture was used very harshly during the time of the Holocaust. In this day in time torture is rarely heard of in the United States. To look back and see the unbelievable events that took place, and to watch documentaries on the Holocaust always makes me sad. Torture is wrong! Even though some sick people in the world may say it is ok, it is hard to imagine how skinning people alive can make any individual feel good about what they are doing.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Why do people give chocolate on Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on Feburary 14. It is a day on which people in love express their love for eachother; sending cards, flowers, and chocolates. For me, this holdiday has always been one that I have dreaded, mostly because I don't have anyone to share it with. I personally think the holiday is over rated and some people tend to get way too into it. Even though I don't have anyone to share it with, there is one reason that makes me so excited; all the chocolate that I get to eat. Chocolate is a major plus to Valentine's Day. It is said by the food network that "every year individuals consume at least ten pounds of chocolate". Chocolate flies off the shelves around Valentine's Day because of how it makes people feel, and can let someone know how much you care.
One of the most pleasant effects of eating chocolate is the "good" feeling that many people expierence after they eat it. Chocolate is said to "contain have over 300 known chemicals in it" (food network). The most ovbious chemical is caffeine. The mixture of certain chemicals in chocolate makes people feel somewhat "high" after indulging it. It is hard to find someone that doesn't like chocolate, and for most, Valentine's Day is an excuse to eat as much as you want.
For me Valentine's is not too important, but I think of it as a countdown to a day that I can give myself chocolate and not feel bad about eating it. I looked into why chocolate is so popular for this holiday, and the answers I found were somewhat the same for most. The most well-known reason that people give chocolate on Valentine's Day is because chocolate enhances women's sexual drive. I couldn't help but to laugh when I heard this statement, but I feel that it has something to do with the "good" feeling people get after indulging it. Some people think that chocolate is a good thing to give because it fits into a heart shaped box, or chocolate can be formed into hearts. One person said, "because it is good!" There are many reasons as to why people tend to buy chocolate on Valentine's Day, but for me it seems that it is just a known gift to buy someone.
The reasons are somewhat the same as to why people tend to give chocolate on Valentine's day, but for me it is just a day that I can send myself some flowers and eat tons of chocolate. In Elementry school we always used to make little mail boxes for our desks and an hour before school got out we would exchange Valentines. Everyone always gave chocolates of every kind. My mom would hate it because I would come home from schooling acting crazy due to all the chocolate I had eaten. Most adults try to limit the amount of chocolate their kids eat because of how it makes people feel "high" to a certain extent. I could eat chocolate everyday and not feel bad about it, but for some reason eating it on Valentine's Day gives me somewhat of a rush. I have always found it interesting that people give chocolate on Valentine's Day, but one thing I know for sure is that I am not going to complain.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Prestige

The Prestige is a movie that came out in 2006 about two famous magicians. The movie takes place in the end of the 19th century in London. The two main characters Robert and Albert are friends that have grown up loving magic and helping famous magicicans with their acts. Their lives revolve around figuring out the ultimate magic trick, and being the best.
The title of the movie comes from the process of all magic tricks. The first act of any magic trick is call the pledge, which is when the magician shows the audience the what is to come. The second act is called the turn, when everything is unexpected and gets the audience questioning. Finally, the third act is called the prestige is where the magician pulls out all the twists and turns and completely wows the audience. These two magicians become overly obsessed with the prestige as they try and figure out eachothers tricks and attempt to do them better.
During a performance Alfred accidently ties a knot too tight around the arms of Roberts wife, the young lady who attempts to escape from the ropes while sumerged undet water, and it ends in her death. Robert becomes so angry that the two friends become rivals and try to win the support of audiences everywhere. These men disguise themselves and go and sit in on the others performances trying to see what they are doing and to sabatoge their tricks. As they continue to sabatoge one anothers tricks, many of the outcomes lead to murder. One night Alfred performes the ultimate trick and Robert becomes obsessed with trying to figure out the prestige. It begins to take over his life even after he figures out a way to preform Alfreds trick even better than when he did it. Alfred will not have it and ends up sneaking back behind stage to see how Robert is performing the trick and ends up getting charged for Roberts murder. The movie is nothing what it seems. There are twists and turns throughout the entire movie that shock its viewers.
It is crazy to me how some people become obsessed with trying to be better than others at something. Both Robert and Alfred love magic and let it take over their life. These men let the competition between them get so strong that they forget about how much they love performing and getting attention from the audience. This happens to many people in the real world. Some people thrive off competing and can become so competitive that they forget how much they love something. It is crazy to me how often this problem comes up. This movie is one of my favorite movies and each time I watch it I figure out something new that helps for me to better understand. Every time I watch the prestige I can't help but think about how crazy it is that some people can become so obsessed with something they enjoy doing.